
Hi, my name is Devin Mock and I am a senior at Quincy Senior High School. I play cornerback for the ... Learn More

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Class of 2023

Devin Mock

About Me

Hi, my name is Devin Mock and I am a senior at Quincy Senior High School. I play cornerback for the football team, and I like to hunt, fish and play video games. Previously I placed 7th in the state finals for track running the 4x100 meter relay. During the summer I worked with my brother at Schuster Construction remodeling houses and building a new one. My plans after high school are to continue working with my brother while hopefully having an online business. I joined Adams County CEO because this is a great opportunity for me that others don’t have. I intend to use this to my advantage and get as much out of this class as possible.

Devin Mock's DISC Profile


You prefer a work environment that is not too pressured or filled with constant change.


You can be an effective coach or counselor for others.


You are an excellent team player.


You are fine with change when it is clear how it will improve efficiency.